We are pleased to offer a variety of innovative biodegradable glitters. This particular glitter is one that we have had requests for from wedding parties, color runs, color wars, parades and any other time you want to throw glitter around outside. This variety of innovative biodegradable glitter is made primarily from corn! All the biodegradable glitters we sell have a slow breakdown process- except for the ones made from zea-mays (corn). Within minutes of hitting water, it starts to melt. This makes it terrific for outdoor activities. Due to the fast breakdown, it is not going to be great for many crafts or many makeup applications. It is cosmetic grade BUT it breaks down with moisture and they are pretty thick. You may find them to be just a bit too chunky for using on the body. They are a 1/4" across.
Product Details:
This metallic biodegradable glitter is sold by the pound and is carefully measured for accuracy. If you buy more than one pound we will bulk bag the pounds together unless you specify not to. The bags come with a sticker that states the glitter color, our logo & company name. The bags are not labeled for resale (if this is an issue please contact us for options). The more you buy the better the price!
Applications List:
Limitations: This biodegradable glitter is not suited for long-term art usage and industrial applications (where you want your glitter to really hold up). It is meant for temporary usage and is meant to break down quickly.
Disclaimer: The above information is given for guidance only. While it is based on scientific evaluation, and is believed to be reliable, the manufacturer makes no warranties, whether expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose for these products, since among other reasons the conditions of storage and use are beyond our control. Please test before making a large purchase. Results vary based on the solvents, chemicals, materials you are using this glitter with.
Applications List (test first):
Glitter Rule- "The bigger the flake, the bigger the sparkle". In addition to this rule, finishes also have a big impact...