Sale Table items are discontinued items. Please read the full description and reason for being on the sale table before buying!
These items are non-returnable and exclude any additional discounts.
Reason/Note: The die/mold for this shape is no longer available. Our final inventories of this color are available, get yours before it's gone!
Jar Details: We sell this glitter in four jar sizes. All black cap jars are filled by weight and are made from high impact plastic for better transport. All the jars shown with black lids come with shaker and/or pour tops and a safety seal. All jars come with lids that screw off for easy use and re-filling. All the black cap jars come with labels that show the glitter color, our logo & company name. They are not labeled for resale (if this is an issue please contact us for options).
Any (boxed) glitters, Mini Jars, Sample Bags, Custom Mixes. These items are made to order for you and cannot be returned.
Our motto is, “Lets get it right the first time.” Glitter projects/installations can get expensive. Make sure to test before you buy. Call one of our glitter-nerds to assist you!