Parade Float Glitter

When choosing a glitter for a parade float we always start with a couple of questions... Is this going to be a float that is used once or is it going to be pulled out year after year? If it is going to be used again, where is it going to be stored- outside in the elements or indoors? The answers make all the difference in the type of glitters you will want to select. If this is a one time float that will last a few days or a month, then you can get away with using the less expensive Craft & Hybrid glitters. They have very little UV resistance (fade in sunlight), and can handle a little bit of water (a couple of rain showers), but not a lot. If you plan to use your float over and over but store it inside away from the sun- you can still probably use Craft & Hybrid glitter. If you plan to make a very high-quality float that will be used over and over for years or need to store the float outside, then it would be best to switch to Polyester glitters. These glitters can handle water (rain) and have UV resistant coatings that will help slow down sun fade. They also do better with solvent-based sealers and sprays, which most permanent floats use. Be sure to read each glitter description for details (they do vary). |