Glitter For Glassware
The answer to what kind of glitter is best for use on glass isn't easy. The reason it is hard to answer is that it is sort of the wrong question. A correct question is "What kind of glitter works with the glue/sealer that I am using". If you are using Mod Podge Gloss to attach the glitter to the glass and to seal your glitter, then we will give you one answer. If you tell us you are going to use a solvent based adhesive and sealer then you will get a totally different answer. The next question would be- "Is the piece for decoration only or will it be washed?" If it will be washed- will it be hand washed or put in a dishwasher? The questions and answers go on and on... Below we have broken it down into three basic categories. |
Mild Solvents Only Not Sun/UV Resistant Water Resistant Lower Heat | Solvent Resistant Sun/UV Resistant Water Resistant Heat Resistance | Mild Solvents Not Sun/UV Resistant Low Water Resistance Must Be Sealed |